MIKA This slim applicator is suitable for many applications. Product features: A slim applicator for high precision Take a look at our selection

ESSI Its design provides maximum stability and a soft stroke for your eyes. Product Features: The perfect accessory for your eyeshadow boxes Available in all

SNOW Glides over her eye area as light and fresh as snow. Product features: The very first snowman applicator for eye shadow A compact and cheerful appli

GLOW Let your eyes shine and become the shining star in the Christmas season. Product features: A hand applicator in the form of a candlelight Simple handling.

NOEL Thoroughly define the outer part of your lips and make everyone shine. Product features: The unmistakable shape of a Christmassy Christmas m

SURF The perfect combination of softness and coverage with a touch of precision. Product features: A gentle applicator that glides on the skin The original shaped

AZTEC Achieves great detail with the precision of an arrowhead. Product features: An arrow-shaped geometry for precise application Designed for a short

HORUS Be surprised by the exactness of your eye. Product features: An eye shape that reminds you that attraction comes from sight A fle

COGNAC Smooth and noble as a drop, for an even better application result. Product features: An original, thin, padded applicator for a caressingly soft

PALM Caressing application as playfully as with a palm leaf. Product features: The shape of a leaf is reminiscent of the origin of applicators The leaf veins offer.